Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mission Estonia -- Update

Cards and Evangelism.

Our trip to the prison was really to open the door for further ministry for Tom, the missionary here. They were so impressed that we would come all the way from America to give them Bibles and minister to them. The prison officials and prisoners seemed really touched. It should really give Tom an opportunity to continue ministry there when we are gone.

That night we went back to the party district to do some more evangelism. It has been really good, difficult, and fun all at the same time.

There has been lots of spiritual warfare issues that you don't realize at first but then your eyes are opened to things going on. For example: last night we were talking to a couple of guys from Georgia(the country not state). One spoke really good English, the other not so much. I get started with the gospel and he is interested in hearing what I have to say. He translates to his friend who didn't understand. Once he figured out we were talking about Christ he got real mad and literally pulled his friend away and wouldn't let him talk to us.

It is legal here in Estonia, and we have seen lots of it around. I have never really seen this first hand and I have to tell it is so sad. These women have such a low self image, are so desperate for money, and have such a great need for Christ. It breaks my heart.

We finished passing out the evangelistic cards this morning. All told, it will be close to 30 thousand. This could be the first time many people have any exposure to the gospel of Christ at all.

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