Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Gift

Up at the crack of dawn,
Eager and filled with glee,
Gifts wait no more,
Ripped, opened, seen,
Eyes full of surprise,
Hearts warmed with love.

It is a joy to watch kids on Christmas morning! The excitement builds to a crescendo until it is about to burst. It is a wonder that they ever went to sleep at all. Hannah and Emily got everything a little girl could possibly want.
I also received many gifts and presents, and opened them with the anticipation of someone much younger than I actually am.

I did finally take a moment to pause and reflect, and I am glad I did. Otherwise, I might have missed Christmas. I have received another gift, one much more important than something that comes in a box. I have received the gift of life. And not just any life, life in Christ, eternal and full of hope, love, joy, purpose...
It takes my breath away! To think that God would send His most treasured Son for someone like me. I am a worm, a wretched man, the chief of sinners, and God gave a Gift, a precious Gift, the Gift of His Son. And this came not in fancy wrapping, but "in the form of man, taking the very nature of a servant, and became obedient to death, even death on a cross".(Phil. 2:5-11) The Gift shed His blood for my wretchedness and sin. He died as my substitute, in my place. And the Gift rose again on the third day. I have received this Gift into my life, almost 18 years ago, by repentance and faith. Have you received the Gift -- Jesus Christ?

Thank You Lord for sending the Gift for us! I praise you!

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