Monday, January 1, 2007

Sharp Edged Sword

Hebrews 4:11
"For the Word of God is living, and active, sharper than any two-edged sword."

Psalm 1 “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

Psalm 119:97
“Oh how I love Your law.”

I just finished up my Bible reading plan for the year 2006 and I am ready and looking forward to 2007. I am not sure how many times I have read through the Bible, but every time is different and good. It is not different because the scriptures are different. It is different because the Word has changed me. That is reason enough to discipline myself to faithful Bible reading and study.

I read a biography of George Mueller that really challenged me to be more consistent and faithful in my reading and study of God’s Word. George Mueller was a mighty man of faith. He is known for the orphanages he established in England and how he used those to minister, witness, and glorify God. But that wasn’t his only job. He was also a preacher, a missionary, an evangelist, a businessman, and a faithful prayer warrior.

What struck me about George Mueller’s life was his devotion to God’s Word. Here is a man who was extremely busy. In one of his journal entries he noted how often he would read the Bible. Each year George Mueller would read through the entire Bible, the full 66 books, 5 times. This does not include his study or sermon preparation.

I often think that I am busy, and I am. But George Mueller was also a busy man, even more so. And yet he made the time to delight in the law of the Lord. If he can do that 5 times surely I can do it more.

It amazes me how so few people have read and are reading the Bible. Statistics have been pretty consistent. Most people have a Bible and most people don’t read it. I am not sure why this is, but they are losing out.

I know that it does take some discipline and effort to plan out and read the entire Bible. But is there any other better, more beneficial pursuit than seeking God in His Word? I guess for many there is.

I follow my own Bible reading plan. This year I tried something a little different. I read through the New Testament twice and the Old Testament once. My Bible reading is separate from passages I study, and separate from my preparation from my sermons(sometimes there is some overlap).

You can find yearly Bible reading plans all over the place(just google it), but here is what I do. I take the table of contents at the front of my Bible and use that as a guide. I break it down into months. I need to read 3.5 books out of the OT and 4.5 books out of the NT. Then I start reading a NT book and an OT book. I don’t really have a set pattern. I do try to keep the Pentateuch together and read that in order.

So how much do I read daily? It varies. I do occasionally miss a day or two. But if I try and read for at least 15 minutes a day then that keeps me on schedule. I try and discipline myself to stay on schedule monthly because catching up at the end of the year can be too difficult and you will miss too much.

I generally do in depth Bible study different from Bible reading. Sometimes what I am reading will lead me to study that passage more in depth. Other times I am studying something completely different. In addition, I keep those things separate from my sermon study and preparation. I don’t want to substitute my sermon preparation for devotional time with the Lord. Even though all my study is somewhat devotional in nature.

I hope that you find a plan that works best for you. It has been a rich and rewarding exercise that has led to some great times of prayer, conviction, encouragement, and time spent with the Lord.

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