Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Pastor's Big Day

I need help! That is an understatement. I always feel the intense expectation of Easter Sunday. I realize that the Lord has placed in my lap a task that I am incapable of doing. Preaching the gospel. I was awake at 3 a.m., then 4a.m. and then about 5:15 a.m. for good, because of the anticipation of this morning. I have been praying, and realize in all the hustle and bustle I should have been praying more.

So whats the big deal?

The big deal is that Jesus is alive. The big deal is that I truly believe that people's souls will be changed for all eternity today.

There are 3 categories of people that will attend Easter services at churches this morning.

#1 - The soundly save and walking with Christ. My hope and prayer for them is that the service and message from God's Word will be used of the Lord to draw them in worship of Christ, to edify, the encourage, to press them in even closer to Christ. What a glorious opportunity for them.

#2 - The nominal. There are always people who make an appearance each Christmas and Easter. Some people make jokes at their expense. "See you next year." I don't want to brow beat these people, Christ died for them too. I do pray earnestly that this Easter might be different for them. I hope that the Lord would open their eyes, and that they would get right with God. They are missing out on way too much to continue in the direction they are heading.

#3 - The Lost. Lost people will go to church. Some know they are lost, some think they are saved and they are not. They go to church because it is the cultural thing to do, or they were raised that way, or their spouse makes them. I don't care why. I thank God that they go. I see their eternal destiny before them. I pray for their salvation.

Those three things weigh upon my mind and soul. I want thing to be just right, down to the smallest detail. I want this so that there will be the least distractions to keep people from the stated goal above.

All of that is why I need help? Not your help. The Lord's help.

Lord, do a might work according to Your Will. Pour out yourself in power, strength, grace and mercy. Remove distractions, doubt, the influence of the enemy and the world. May the glory of the true gospel shine in the darkness.

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