Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger's Sex Rehab - Really?

Tiger Woods has been in a sex rehab facility for his addiction to sex for 45 days and is scheduled to go back for more.

In his confession and apology today Tiger talked about his reasoning for his behavior. He said that he felt entitled to it. It seems that his fame, money, and power presented him with easy opportunities to commit adultery.

What is sex rehab? I am sure that some people might have a legitimate addiction, maybe. But, not Tiger Woods. I am not buying it. His reasoning has nothing to do with an addiction. Entitlement and fame are not indicative of an addiction.

What do they do in Tiger's sex rehab? Tell him its wrong. Do they have classes on keeping your pants on? Did he learn ten steps how not to contact a high end prostitute? Did they try and find something that happened in his past that caused him to cheat on his wife and kids? Did they discuss how to avoid hotel rooms with voluptuous women?

Think about the logistics that were required for Tiger to hook up with all these women. It took some serious forethought and planning for him to get in a place where he could have sex with these women. It wasn't that spontaneous. It was calculated and planned. That is not addiction, it is stupidity.

Tiger doesn't need sex rehab, he needs sin rehab. He may be able to alter his behavior, but he cannot change his sinful heart. Strength of will is not going to overcome his sin. A 12 step program will not overcome his sinful nature. Buddhism will not solve his sin problem.

There is only one rehab that will cure Tiger Woods of his addiction to sin. The solution is repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

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