Monday, September 14, 2009

How To Juggle Cats - Or Your Schedule

With the coming fall and the new school year, our schedule has become a great challenge. This always seems to be the case. Having plenty of time seems to be a rarity.

This fall we seem to be like most people, trying to figure out how to juggle our schedule. Our kids are at two different schools with two different start times, and pick up times. That's a challenge.

We also have activities. We try to find a balance between being involved in good activities and not being over committed to the point that other areas suffer. This year we have diving lessons, diving team, volleyball, our Wed. night church responsibilities and the general school calendar of activities. Michelle is a wonderful mother who has great stamina and discipline to make sure the girls are where they need to be.

There are other areas of our life that deserve some time and attention as well. We have to juggle in times for exercise, rest, family time, devotional time with God, and other things.

I'm sure you have the same struggles. It is not easy.

I can actually juggle. When you are juggling something it is always about making adjustments. One toss might be out of line, and you have to adjust the catch and figure out how to get the next toss where it needs to be.

We are not perfect in juggling schedules, but we know that we have to work hard to be disciplined in making adjustments.

The key to adjusting while juggling is priorities. Protect the most important priorities. Spending time in God's Word and in fellowship with Him is a priority. I have to be disciplined to make sure that this area of my life doesn't suffer because it gets dropped in our busy schedule.

The next key is sacrifice. Something is going to be sacrificed because of busyness. If your priorities are set straight, then you will only sacrifice those things on the bottom of the list.

To juggle well, takes priorities, sacrifice, and discipline. These are all things that I need constantly to work on in my own life, but I trust in God and seek His strength and wisdom to be disciplined.

1 Timothy 4:7 "Be disciplined for godliness."

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