Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Don't Just Be A Good Boy

Be a good person. Be a better person. Be a better man. Be a better husband. Be a better father.

For many, that is the goal in life and that is what they hear the church preaching. The message is one of morality. Jesus can make you a better person.

The problem with that type of moralism is that it is a false gospel. It is not what being a Christ follower is all about. Jesus did not die so you could be more moral and behave better.

I read a blog article by Dr. Al Mohler on this subject that is a must read. This moral gospel is what drives so many people, preachers, and churches. It is the reason why there are so many “how to sermons”. You’ve seen them. How to have a better marriage, family, career, sex life, etc., etc., ad naseum.

It is absolutely true that there are moral requirements to walking with Christ. And, there are plenty of passages of scripture that address those various issues that we face. But that is not the heart of the gospel. The heart of the gospel is that we have sinned against a holy God. That Jesus died as our substitute taking the punishment for our sins. If we repent and fully trust in Jesus then He bestows His grace and forgiveness. That doesn’t make us better people, it makes us new people. It doesn’t just clean up the rough edges, it is a whole new start. Jesus didn’t die so we could be better, He died so we could be saved.

Dr. Mohler writes, “The theological temptation of moralism is one many Christians and churches find it difficult to resist. The danger is that the church will communicate by both direct and indirect means that what God expects of fallen humanity is moral improvement. In so doing, the church subverts the Gospel and communicates a false gospel to a fallen world.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post, and a huge reminder of why we preach!