Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Love Letter For Life

Caution: This is POWERFUL!

Planned Parenthood and their ilk would have everyone believe that abortion is no big deal. They fool women into believing that abortion is just an outpatient medical procedure and they will be back to normal later that afternoon with their life set free. The reality is far different. The reality is that these women(and sometimes men) struggle deeply with what they have done.

A few weeks ago I was priveleged to be a part of a memorial service. This funeral was for 3 aborted children. The local pregnancy center counsels women who are struggling with the abortions that they have had. One thing they recommend and organize is to have a memorial service for the aborted children. At this particular service the woman stood up and read a letter to her children that she had aborted.

This is one of the most powerful things I have heard. Here is her letter.

Womb life (December 1997 - March 1998)
That’s how I imagine you:
Hair: Fine and Brown
Eyes: Blue
Character: Handsome and quiet
Name: Means “God Saves” because He did!
Created: around the holidays of 1997
Aborted: Around March 1998
Joshua would have been born around September 1998. At the time of his memorial on April 6, 2009, Joshua would have been 11 years old.

From your mother (maman):
Dear precious son, we named you Joshua. You would be 11 years old! We named you that because we are so glad that God saved you and kept you safe. God gave you life and I (your mother) took it. You were in my womb only asking for nothing more than a chance to live and be loved. I was so selfish and stupid.

I am so deeply sorry for taking your precious life. I will forever regret it. I am in deep pain and extremely sadden. My pain is so great, my grief so immense that I can’t even describe it. I am only encouraged that God can help me.

I imagine your pain, ,little one; how great yours was, too. I think of you when you felt your little body being torn in pieces… I think about you often. How can a mother inflict such pain to her own baby? How can I have done such a thing? What a catastrophe, a monstrosity? You only got to know a cruel mother.

I am so thankful for God for He has been there for you all that time. He has been taking care of you. I am forever thankful. I am sorry it took me so long to face my sin. I am so sad; I never got to feel you moving inside my tummy. I never had the immense pleasure to hold you in my arms. I know it’s hard to believe but I love little babies. It hurts to know and it’s hard to accept that I will never have the chance to cajole you, to rock you to sleep, to see you smile, to see you and love you. You will never get to know Zi Lin, Jacob, and Evelina. They are your brothers and sisters. They would have loved you! Jacob would have been so proud to have a brother and to follow up and look up to. We will never know who you are until we meet you in Heaven.

But by the grace of God, you are in Heaven! I pray that I will see you one day. I have no idea if you will be a baby or a grown up but whoever you are I will be so delighted and feel so privileged to be reunited with you, Joshua. I will finally feel so complete and filled with intense joy.

It is my deep desire for you to know how much I am regretful of my choice of aborting you. I love you, Joshua. I love you with all of my heart. I feel deep sorrow but I am reminded that God is with you and that you are well.

I imagine you happy in Heaven with our dear Savior, in perfect health, radiant and joyful. What a joy to know that because of our loving God I will see you one day. I will keep preciously the hope in my heart to meet with you that day when it’s time and to hug you and whisper to you the words, “I love you, Joshua; I always did.”
Until then, I am asking you to please forgive me for hurting you so badly … for not loving you the way I should have … and most importantly for taking your precious life.

PS - I did ask and receive permission to share this letter.

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