Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Coming Off The Mountain Top

When you are on the mountain top there is no where to go but down. I had a fantastic time in so many ways when I was in Estonia. It was a mountain top experience. I knew what was coming. You can't always be on the mountain top. Since I've been back I got pink eye, a virus, and almost lost my voice. But, whether I am sick in bed or witnessing in Estonia, God is still faithful and the Lord of Lords. I am thankful for what He did in my life on my mission trip and I am thankful that He is still working on me here back at home.

Here is a great lesson to be learned. Not every moment that you have in your walk with Christ is going to feel like the mountain top. There are going to be times of low spots and valleys. Our circumstances and emotions change frequently. The faithfulness of God does not. If all we value is a certain feeling then we are going to be in trouble - because they change. And they change for odd reasons. Bad food, bad weather, a cough, a cold, a stubbed toe, a bad mood: none of those things should be the criteria for judging my walk with Christ.

I love that song based on the book of Job: "Blessed be Your Name in a land that is plentiful, and blessed be Your Name when I walk through the wilderness -- blessed be Your Name."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RE: Mountain-Hopping

From the mountain top of international missions, to the mountain top of VBS...

"O man of God, the King says, 'Come down.' " (I Kings 1:9)