Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mission Trip To Estonia

"Go and make disciples of all nations." Matthew 28:18-20

One of my favorite Christian musicians was a guy named Keith Green. He had a line in one of his songs that said, "How can we not go. It should be the exception if we stay."

I think that is a little hyperbolic, but it makes a good point. We do not have an option of whether or not we are going to be obedient to the Great Commission. As followers of King Jesus, we must do what He says. This inlcudes missions.

I think every believer should go on an out of country mission trip at least once. Every mission trip that I have been on has had a huge impact in my own personal life and walk with God. It is good for us as Americans to see how good we've got it.

Mission trips are always challenging and difficult. You have to travel a lot, which can be taxing to say the least. You get exposed to different cultures and food that you are not accustomed to. For some that is very difficult. I actually enjoy sampling the different cuisines of other cultures. (I ate scorpion one time.) Accomodations are always different that what you are used to. And then there is the spiritual battles that go on when you are being used of God to spread the gospel.

But, those difficulties are also carry the potential for some of the greatest blessings in a persons life. And those blessings sometimes come from the smallest things. I remember teaching Ukrainian adolescents how to play American football. They had no idea what to do, and we threw around the football that I had brought and the kids had an absolute blast of a time. To see their faces when I left that football with them is something I will never forget. I also won't forget seeing God work in their lives and draw them to Himself.

This May, Lord willing, I will be going on a mission trip with a team of people to the country of Estonia. I will do a separate post about this country and the need for mission work their.

Please pray for me and the others that are planning on going on this trip. Thanks.

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