Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Privacy Please, Pt. 2

You can’t see my faith because it is private. My faith is a private matter.

I’ve heard this expressed in different ways. “He is just very private about his faith.” “They are quiet about God.” “They believe, but they are just not very religious.” “I believe, I just don’t show it like others.”

The problem with this excuse is that it is an attempt to justify something that probably doesn’t exist. James addresses this very issue(James 2:14-24). If someone claims to have faith, but there are no outwardly visible indicators of faith in action, it is not biblical faith.

I believe that it is impossible for someone to have truly experienced the power of salvation by the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ and it have no outward effect on their life. It just ain’t so! (See also John 15:1-5)

If your faith is so private that it has no public demonstration, it might not be a true, biblical faith.


Talon5 said...

All religions are nothing more than archaic old myths. All primitive cultures have had their "creation myths" wich over the centuries, have evolved into the world's current religions. All are just old myths and made up stories.

If there IS a supreme, ultimate being/creator, god etc. It is unknowable. Anyone who pretends to know what such a being wants or claims to know the nature of such a being is living in a fantasy world.

You cannot rely on millenia-old myths, written by primitive, superstitious cultures to tell you anything real about anything. To do so is ludicrous

Scott Berry said...

Thanks for visiting my site.
I have a couple of questions about your comment. First, it has nothing to do with the post I made.

Second, How do you know the claims that you make? How can you be so certain? Your second paragraph is self refuting. You claim that you cannot make any claims about what god may know. That is a claim that you know something about what god knows. Are you god?

I am not a seeker of religion, I am a seeker of truth.

Talon5, despite what you believe about God, He loves you. No reasonable person denies that Jesus was real. He loves you. These things I know, not because I have some keen insight. Everything I know about God is because He has made it known. I encourage you to be a seeker of Truth.