Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Enjoy - The Word

I was reflecting recently on my career as a student of the Bible. My reflection reminded me how much I truly enjoy God’s Word. This does not mean that there have not been dry times. There have been many times when reading the scriptures was a chore. Have you ever been reading something and thinking about something else? There have been numerous times like that. But even those seemingly fruitless attempts have not been in vain.

I can remember starting to read the Bible before I was even saved. At the age of 15 or 16 (I can’t remember exactly it was so long ago), I remember having this longing in my heart and turning to the Bible for answers. My first attempts at reading scripture weren’t that great. I tried to read straight through. Genesis wasn’t too difficult, but at 15/16 years old, I bogged down rather rapidly.

I know for a fact that my salvation was initiated and fostered by the Holy Spirit using the Word of God in my life. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

The moment the Lord redeemed me I poured myself into His Word. I desired God and the things of God, so I gave my life to Him and the study of His Word.

When I first went to college I was voracious in learning all I could about God’s Word. I went to many different Christian organizations that had Bible Studies. I went to Bible studies with the following; Bapist Student Union, Campus Crusade For Christ, Navigators, Central Baptist Church, Intervarsity, independent groups studying the bible, even my own bible study in my dorm room. In fact, I went to so many of these things, that I neglected my classes and class work and my grades suffered. That is not the way that I should have done it.

Now don’t think that I am puffing myself up in telling you all of this. In fact, it demonstrates a great failure in my life. It is to my shame that I have spent so much time in the scriptures and don’t know it better than I do. If anything, this recollection convicts me of my need to step up my dedication to the study of God’s Word.

Back to my title, in all of that time in the scriptures, I have greatly enjoyed the Word. I don’t just mean that it has been fun. There have been moments of fun and even hilarity that I can recall in the study of God’s Word. But, what I mean by enjoy is something deeper than just a “funny-ha-ha” moment. It has enriched my life beyond measure. It has filled me up in a way nothing else has or can. And do you know why? Because God uses His Word to fellowship with us. His Word has led me to encounters with Him. That is what you and I are created for. That is true enjoyment.

My prayer is that enjoyment will increase and that I will have an ever growing desire to study the Holy Scriptures that I may know Him more and more.

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