Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Grinch Couldn't Steal Christmas

One of my favorite Christmas shows is Dr. Seuss' famous "Grinch". I love the voice, animation, the songs, and the story. The story has a great moral message, and with a bit of a tweak from me, a message for Christ followers as well.

The Plot

The Grinch hates Christmas and hates that the Whos in Whoville love it. So, he tries to steal Christmas. He takes every outward expression of Christmas. The Grinch steals the trees, ornaments, presents, the food, the feast, even the Roast Beast. He leaves nothing but a small crumb that the little mouse doesn't even get to eat.

After successfully stealing everything the Grinch waits with malicious glee for the sounds of sadness - he has stolen Christmas.

But, he hears no sounds of sadness, but joyful singing. His mistake - thinking Christmas was about presents, trees, and food. It meant something much deeper to the Whos of Whoville. Even with the outward expressions of Christmas stolen the Whos still had Christmas.

The Tweak

Dr. Seuss' moral seems to be that family and friends are more important than presents and whopudding. He is right, and that is good.

Here is my message for us Christ followers. Christmas is not about the external trappings, or even family and friends. It is and should be about the Lord Jesus Christ.

I love presents, carols, trees, lights, and the food. I wish I could spend the season with all of my family and friends. But, if that is all Christmas has become then I am missing the main ingredient. If I never get another Christmas present, or my tree burns to the ground but I still have a life focused on Jesus - I have Christmas.

I encourage you to learn from little Cindy Lou Who, all the Whos and even the Grinch. Hopefully no one will steal all of your Christmas loot, but don't allow the hustle and bustle to rob you of the true joy of a Christ centered Christmas.

P.S. The little dog with the antlers tied to his head is my favorite.

1 comment:

Paul Kelly said...

Good reminder. Christmas is a lot of fun, but easy to forget why we celebrate. BTW, thanks for the message on the life of Joseph this morning.