Thursday, October 11, 2007

Picketing For Life

Last Sunday afternoon I did something I have never done before. Yes, I missed the afternoon football games, but that is not what I am talking about. I attended a protest rally.

I was a participant in Life Chain. I am guessing that there were probably 250 people lined up along about 3 miles of sidewalk along Southlake Boulevard protesting the horror that is abortion. It was quite an impressive sight.

Why haven’t I done this before, and why did I do it this Sunday?
I am fiercely pro-life and anti-abortion because scripture is abundantly clear on the issue. I won’t give an exegetical paper supporting this position here at this time. Suffice it to say, life is a precious gift from God and the taking of innocent life is murder by any definition. That life in a woman’s womb is not a fetus, it is a person created in the image of God. And, we have a biblical mandate to stand up for and protect the innocent.

I am always cautious about being involved in outside organizations. This is true even if those organizations are supportive of things that I am. I don’t want to be too political or align myself with groups that could bring reproach on the name of Christ or the ministry to which I have been called. Some pro-lifers can fall into the category of bringing reproach on Christ.

After research, I felt that Life Chain was an organization that I could participate with. Besides, doing nothing is not an option. I feel that I have a clear mandate from scripture to protect the fatherless and innocent. I have not been pro-active enough in the past and need to find ways to stand up more against the murder of babies.

Here is how the event was constructed. First of all, it is a Christian witness. It was also silent and we were encouraged to spend the time praying. Each participant was spaced along the sidewalk about 20 feet apart. So, there was no chit-chat while we were holding signs saying “Abortion is Murder”.

The signs we held were already made. Nobody could make there own. They were pre-approved signs. They said, “Abortion hurts women”, “Abortion is murder”, “Adoption the Loving Option”, and “Jesus forgives and heals”. I felt like these were sufficient to convey the message that abortion is wrong but by seeking Christ someone could find forgiveness.

What did we accomplish? That is a hard question to answer. My prayer is that if one person saw our signs that was considering abortion and reconsidered to give birth to that child – that is a victory. If one person who had an abortion was convicted of that sin and begins to seek forgiveness in Christ – that is a victory. Did that happen? Only God knows.

Modern Day Holocaust – Abortion Statistics
In the US

2002 there were approximately 1,300,000 abortions

Since the atrocity of Roe V. Wade in 1973 there have been over 42 million babies murdered by abortion.

93% of abortions occur for social reasons

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