Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bring Me Near

I have just started preaching through the book of Leviticus and have found it a true blessing in my own life. I have been studying it for a couple of months already and the depth's of its riches continue to unveil themselves.

Studying and preaching Leviticus is no easy task. I am probably messing it up some, but the challenge is rewarding.

It has caused me to think on many topics. I have found myself pondering on the elements of the tabernacle, the relevance of scripture, and the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ.

When I first got saved a couple of Christian friends had an influence on my life. One area that Eric and Jason influence me was music. They listened to Christian music and I began to enjoy it as well. The hot group at the time was a Christian rock group called "Petra". I still like them. They did an album of praise songs. And there was one that I thought about while studying Leviticus.

The songs lyrics say this:

Take me past the outer courts

Into your holy place

Past the brazen altar

Lord, I want to see Your face.

Take me by the crowds of people

I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness

And it's only found one place.

Take me in to the Holy of holies

Take me in by the blood of the Lamb

Take me in to the Holy of holies

Take the coal, cleanse my lips

Here I am.

The tabernacle is a visual reminder of our sin, our separation from God, and His grace to bridge that separation. But the only way for them to get close to God was through blood. And even then, only the high priest could enter the holy of holies.

I wonder if a regular Hebrew guy ever desired to go into the Holy of holies to be in the presence of God? Did it frustrate them that there was not a way for them to draw nearer to God?

That is why Jesus came. His blood was a perfect blood. The blood of a goat was insufficient, but the blood of the Lamb of God was fully sufficient. It was so sufficient that I don't have to stop at the outer court, and I don't have to pause by the brazen altar. His blood offers me access to the Holy of holies.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your blood. Draw me even nearer. May I never be complacent but always seek Your face.

Ephesians 2:13

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

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