Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Too Common A Converstation

The following is a fictional conversation. It is one that I don't think would go over very well in our church saturated yet passionless Christianity culture. See what you think.

Person 1: So, you are a follower of Christ, a Christian?

Person 2: Yes, I am.

Person 1: Do you pray?

Person 2: Well, not really.

Person 1: Do you read and study the Bible?

Person 2: Well, not really.

Person 1: Have you joined and are you serving in a church?

Person 2: No. Not really?

You can claim to be Christian all you want, but if you don't walk with the Lord in prayer(meals don't count), if you don't walk with the Lord through His word, and if you do not walk with the Lord by serving His church, then are you walking with the Lord? Are you a follower of Christ? Not really.

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