Saturday, May 8, 2010

Books I'm Reading

Here is my current reading list. This will change when I get my syllabus for my summer doctoral program.

This book was recommended to me by Peggy Osborne. It is actually a business book on communication. I have just started it, but so far it is fascinating. It is really about effective communication and how to increase the odds that your message will be retained by your audience. How to make your ideas stick.

I have actually avoided this book for a while. It has been recommended by several women and my impression was that it was some sort of "chick-flick" type book. But, I have had several guys recommend it as a very powerful story. So, I think I'll give it a shot.

I have already read this book, but I am working my way through it again. It is basically a book on personality traits. The book gives you a system to ascertain and understand someone's personality and how they best like to communicate and behave. I would love to be able to "read" people better so that I can be better at communicating with them. It is also interesting.

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