Thursday, December 31, 2009

Read The Bible

Today, I finished the last pages of my Bible reading plan for 2009. That puts me far above most statistically. Most people in the US have a Bible, and very few have actually read the entire thing. One stat I saw said that only %10 of "christians" have read the entire Bible. Whoa!

A few thoughts, in no particular order.

- Some days were hard, some were easy. It wasn't always like reading a comic book, and shouldn't be. There were times that I felt like I was just reading to just be reading. I did it anyway. I figure that to read and not be completely into it is better than not reading at all. I pray that the Lord will forgive me for those times and help me to have fewer of them this year.

- I learned, a lot. This wasn't my first time to read through the Bible. I have done it many times. I learned a lot about scripture and, consequently, God. That is a blessing beyond measure.

- Did I stay on track with the plan? For the most part, yes. I was surprised at how the daily readings seemed so short. It took maybe 15 minutes, max. I did get behind a bit this summer. But, I used my vacation to do some catch up reading, and really enjoyed it. Staying on track is not as difficult as it seems.

- You can do it. Say it with me, "I can do it." You can read the Bible. If it is important enough to you, make it a priority and read the Word of God.

- Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for Your Word that leads me to You, that instructs, corrects, trains, reproves, encourages and so much more. Thank You for speaking to me through Your Word. I pray that you would continue to grow me in my knowledge and passion for You and Your Word.

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