Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Birthday Party Worship

Imagine This

You have a dear sainted grandmother who is having her 87th birthday party. The whole family is invited over to celebrate her special day.

But, something is different at this party. Instead of baking grandma’s favorite cake, that everyone can share in, a questionnaire goes out before the party. It asks what each individual persons favorite cake is. As all come to the party someone has baked hundreds of special order cupcakes to meet with everyone’s personal preferences.

Why stop at the cake? Instead of everyone bringing a present to honor grandma, everyone receives their own present. It is individually selected and wrapped so that every person gets exactly what they would want.

If I was ever invited to a birthday party like that, I would go. But, there is a big problem. This celebration is no longer about the honored guest. It has become self serving and more honoring to each individual.

This story is not a perfect analogy(God is not a grandmother) but allow some latitude for comparison. The scenario above is the way many people think about church and God. Church is about honoring the Lord, but for many people it becomes about honoring themselves. The cultural mindset is that church should fit my preferences and wants. Instead of going to church to give and serve, people go to church to get and receive. “I hope this church plays music that I like. I hope that preacher preaches something that I think is entertaining.”

We all know that a birthday party is to honor one person. They get their favorite cake. Everyone brings their presents for the one being honored. That is exactly how church should be. It is about God, not me. It is about honoring the Lord. It is about serving Christ. It is about giving to Him, of my time, songs, heart, life and worship. Every Sunday is about the guest of honor. The Guest of Honor is not the preacher. The Guest of Honor is not you. The Guest of Honor is the Lord God Almighty!

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