Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On President Barack Obama

Did your candidate win or lose? What emotions has the outcome produced in you?

There is a whole continuum of responses to last nights election of Barack Obama. For some there is outright jubilation. I read of a friend whose response was," I am crying tears of joy. I'm off to a celebration party. Yeah Obama!" Others are lamenting in a puddle of despair and thinking of moving out of the country. Probably the majority of the people are indifferent - could care less.

I've had to learn a lesson about politics over the years. There have been times when my candidate won and times when my candidate lost. In fact, since I have been old enough to vote I am 2 out of 5. That's not too bad.

I have learned that my hope doesn't reside in who wins the presidency. That is true whether it is someone I am for or against. The hope for my life, my family, and this country belongs to the Lord God Almighty.

Isaiah reminds me, "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God." He is Sovereign. He has all power. He knows and sees all.

Daniel 2:21 says that He removes and sets up kings.

I trust His Sovereignty. I trust His plan. I trust His hand.

I will pray for President Obama. That is my Christian obligation. I will pray for his salvation, his family, his protection, for him to be guided by godly wisdom. And then I will trust in the Sovereign God.

What about you?

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