Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tapatio Springs

Each spring Michelle and I go to a pastor's retreat in Boerne, TX at Tapatio Springs Resort. It is one of our favorite things to go to and we look forward to it each and every year.

Our pastor from college, Chris Osborne of Central Baptist Church, and his wonderful wife Peggy put this on every year. Central funds the bill for the whole thing. All our accomodations, food, and entertainment is paid for. Thank you so much Central Baptist.

It is for guys and their spouses who have gone through Central and are now pastors. This year there were about 9 couples that made the trip. These people are some of the godliest people and some of our best friends.

We have lots of meetings together and discuss all kinds of things. We discuss church, scripture, family, marriage, parenting, theology, contemporary issues, personal devotional time, and anything else that comes up. It is often challenging, convicting, encouraging, and always helpful.

I cherish the time that I spend with these friends and feel ready to get back to my calling and church.

See you guys next year.
(ps - the picture is where we actually stayed. Nice!)

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